blog-cookingYogaEasy Yoga: 10 Best Poses for Two People

Easy Yoga: 10 Best Poses for Two People

6 mins read
Taisiia Dobrozorova
Written by Taisiia Dobrozorova

Taisiia Dobrozorova is a nutrition and fitness writer at Unimeal and a healthy lifestyle devotee. She has accomplished several courses on health, nutrition, dietology.

on July 20, 2022

Yoga for two people is also known as partner yoga or couples' yoga. Practicing asanas with a friend can be a good way to strengthen your communication and relationships. Yoga improves not only your mental health and deep connection but also your body balance, posture and flexibility. Here are top 10 beginner poses to try with a partner.

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Yoga has mental and physical benefits such as stress reduction, increased muscle tone, and improved breathing. Yoga includes natural poses for your body, so you can start practicing without any specific preparations of training levels. Over time your pair practices can turn into relaxed acrobatic studies. Your partner can perform the more challenging parts of asanas for you if you have a spine, knees, or joint problems. Or vice versa. 

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As non-yogis, you can start from the easiest asanas, slowly move to the medium and hard levels, and explore your body limits together! 

Partner Standing Forward Fold

  • Standing with your back to each other, leave a distance of about 5 centimeters between you. 
  • At the same time, begin to lower your body forward until you can reach each other's arms.

Supported Child 

  • Sitting back to back, raise your arms up at the same time as your partner, stretching your spine up. 
  • Continue to alternate your breaths. 
  • As you exhale, tilt your body forward so that your partner has the opportunity to bend his back and lie along your back. 
  • Take 5-10 breaths in this position, then change.


  • Sit on the mat and stretch your legs forward.
  • Holding on to your ankles, the partner sits down with his back to you. 
  • You gently take your partner by the legs and pull them up. 
  • The result should be an even square.

Seated Twist

  • Sitting back to back, as you exhale, turn your body to the left side, placing your left hand on your partner's knee. 
  • A partner, in turn, must do the same from the opposite side. 
  • Hold this position for 5-10 deep breaths, then switch sides.

One Legged King Pigeon

  • Sit next to each other, looking in opposite directions.
  • Bend one leg at the knees and pull another one back.
  • Straighten your back and raise your arms up. You can hold your partner's hands.
  • Stay in the pose for 20-30 seconds and switch legs.

Double Boat 

  • Sit opposite each other, holding hands. 
  • Lean with your feet with a partner, then begin to align your knees simultaneously, pointing your legs as high as possible. 
  • Keeping your back straight, take 5-10 breaths in this position.

Double Plank

  • The stronger and taller partner moves into a plank position. The wrists should be under the shoulders. The body is tense; the legs are straight and strong.
  • The other partner turns to face the partner's feet and grabs their ankles.
  • Gently place your legs on your partner's shoulders in a plank.
  • Stay in this pose for three to five breaths, then slowly lower your feet to the floor, one by one.

Double Down Dog

  • One of the partners enters Downward Facing Dog Pose. 
  • The other partner enters an L-shaped handstand, placing their feet on the partner's back. This stretches the upper body and strengthens the shoulders. 
  • Partners can alternate positions to stretch the entire body.

Double Dancer

  • Stand in front of each other at a distance of a meter. Straighten your back.
  • Stretch your left hands to each other and, crossing them, put them on the partner’s left shoulder.
  • When you feel completely stable, pull your right leg back until you can take it by the toe with your right hand. Try to do everything in sync so as not to lose balance.
  • Stretch your body well. Change arms and legs and do it again.

Double Tree 

  • Stand shoulder to shoulder, raise one hand, which is closer to each other, up and connect them together.
  • With the other hand, hold the leg that is bent at the knee.
  • Stay in the pose for as long as you can.

How to practice yoga for two? Safety Tips

Follow the Safety Guidelines for Yoga Asanas before starting a workout.

  • Make sure you're both warmed up. Your body should be flexible enough to start partner yoga. Somestretches, knee lifts, or shoulder rolls will be enough.
  • Don't get distracted. Turn off the phones and TV, pay attention to your body.
  • Don't overeat before yoga. Don't eat solid food later than 3-4 hours4A. E. Jeukendrup. (2011, September 15). Nutrition for Endurance Sports: Marathon, Triathlon, and Road Cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences. DOI:10.1080/02640414.2011.610348 before class. By "solid," we mean a full meal of two or three dishes, high in calories, with lots of protein.
  • Drink some water. Drink before the start of the exercise within reasonable limits5T. P. Backes, K. Fitzgerald. (2016, September). Fluid Consumption, Exercise, and Cognitive Performance. Biology of Sport. DOI:10.5604/20831862.1208485 - about 100 ml of warm water. During class, you can drink 1-2 sips every half hour if you feel an urgent need.
  • Be attentive to your partner. Try to synchronize your movements and breathing as much as possible.
  • Be aware of your physical limits. Practice should be comfortable, so choose positions pleasant for both partners. Feel free to change asanas if you experience discomfort or completely abandon them.

Basic yoga poses for two people are an excellent method to re-establish connections with your loved ones and yourself. It offers the chance to have fun and experience the therapeutic benefits of secure physical contact. Keeping in mind safety rules, you can transform your yoga practice into a worthwhile day-to-day routine. Try it once with a close buddy, and you’ll see – it hits differently!

Unimeal does not diagnose or suggest treatments. Any description of the diet, training plan or supplement should be discussed with your current physician or nutritionist. This article does not address specific conditions and is simply meant to provide general information on healthcare topics. Following any advice is at your own initiative and does not impose any responsibility on the blog authors for your health and safety.



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M. Shohani, G. Badfar, M. P. Nasirkandy, et al. (2016, September). The Effect of Yoga on Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Women. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ijpvmjournal.net/text.asp?2018/9/1/21/225929


S. Mohanty, P. V. R. Murty, B. Pradhan, et al. (2015, December). Yoga Practice Increases Minimum Muscular Fitness in Children with Visual Impairment. Journal of Caring Sciences. DOI:10.15171/jcs.2015.026


A. A. Saoji, B. R. Raghavendra, N. K. Manjunath. (2019). Effects of Yogic Breath Regulation: A Narrative Review of Scientific Evidence. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. DOI:10.1016/j.jaim.2017.07.008


A. E. Jeukendrup. (2011, September 15). Nutrition for Endurance Sports: Marathon, Triathlon, and Road Cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences. DOI:10.1080/02640414.2011.610348


T. P. Backes, K. Fitzgerald. (2016, September). Fluid Consumption, Exercise, and Cognitive Performance. Biology of Sport. DOI:10.5604/20831862.1208485