blog-cookingPhysical Activity7 Effective Triceps Workout With Dumbbells

7 Effective Triceps Workout With Dumbbells

9 mins read
Taisiia Dobrozorova
Written by Taisiia Dobrozorova

Taisiia Dobrozorova is a nutrition and fitness writer at Unimeal and a healthy lifestyle devotee. She has accomplished several courses on health, nutrition, dietology.

on August 05, 2022
Davi Santana, M.Sc.
Fact checked by Davi Santana, M.Sc.
Davi Santana, M.Sc.

Fact checked by Davi Santana, M.Sc.

Davi Santana is a fact checker at Unimeal. He has been a personal trainer for more than 5 years. He is well-versed in strength training, HIIT, running, functional training, and CrossFit.

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If you are repeatedly doing tricep exercises with dumbbells sitting in the gym but don't get any visible results, try to update your training program. And we'll help you with that! In this article, you'll find out more about body anatomy and advice about the best exercises to get to the next level.

Let’s start with triceps muscle anatomy

The triceps brachii is a large muscle and makes up 2/3 of the arm. It is located on the back surface of the earm and shoulder, stretched to the elbow joint. The triceps have a U-shaped configuration. At the elbow, bundles of muscle groups merge and become an elastic tendon formation1Susan Adcox. (2022, July 8). How to Work Out Your Triceps With Dumbbells. WebMD. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/how-to-work-out-your-triceps-with-dumbbells#091e9c5e8242c210-2-4.

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The triceps muscle opposites the biceps muscle. Its primary functional purpose is to extend the arm. The triceps protect tendons and joints from damage during training due to their anatomical strength, absorbing a significant part of mechanical and physical loads. Even if you bulk up a strong biceps, your arms will look weak without a developed triceps muscle2North Tampa. (2013, March 24). How the Biceps and Triceps Work Together. Spine & Joint Center. Retrieved from https://northtampachiropractor.com/2013/03/biceps-triceps-work/.

How to workout triceps with dumbbells

Dumbbells will help you to get the best result regardless of training at home or at the gym. We’ve prepared a few tips before you start working out your triceps:

  •  Warm up before performing the complex with dumbbells regardless of how long the training will last. It will prevent micro-injuries and have a good effect on the future result.
  •  All of these exercises require shoulder stability while performing.
  •  Strengthen the hand muscles with simple primary loads (push-ups, pull-ups on the bar, bench press with a light bar, etc.) before performing a unique complex.
  • Strengthen the forearm muscles with simple primary exercises (push-ups, pull-ups on the bar, bench presses with a light bar, etc.) before the routine. For beginners, the weight of the dumbbells is also significant. Initially, select the dumbbells in which they are held on the outstretched arm without solid tension. Over time the load should be increased.
  •  A common feature of all exercises is their smoothness. Completely exclude sharp moves (the rule applies to complexes and other muscle groups). In addition to the necessary power tension, this will allow you to maximally and effectively stretch the muscles.
  •  The volume (number of repetitions x load) on both hands should be the same.

Best triceps exercises with dumbbells for home workouts

The first result - an increase in strength indicators - will appear after a month of training. Just do at least 2 sets of 10 reps of the following exercises.

French press with dumbbells

Stand or sit in front of a mirror. Keep the shoulders, abs, back tense to activate the body. Grasp the dumbbell inside the disc with your thumbs around the bar. Gently lift the weight above your head with your arms extended. While inhaling, lower the projectile to a 90-degree angle in the elbow joint. With a powerful movement, squeeze the dumbbell upwards, exhaling. Make delays of two counts in the upper and lower phases.

French press with two dumbbells

Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, tighten your abs and back, and maintain a straight posture. Take medium-weight dumbbells in both hands and slowly raise them above you, keeping the dumbbells pressed parallel to each other. Then bend your arms, lowering the dumbbells behind your head. After a second's delay, forcefully squeeze the weight back.

Extension of arms with dumbbells above the head

Stand or sit in front of the mirror, fix the body firmly, and tighten the core. Take the dumbbell with a straight grip and smoothly lift it. The second palm holds the working hand. Gradually bend the forearm behind the head, lowering the weight to the opposite shoulder. The press in the starting position is performed only at the expense of the triceps. The shoulder joint remains in a stable position.

Extension of arms with dumbbells in an incline

This triceps exercise is best done in front of a mirror to control your body position. Taking the dumbbells, slightly bend your knees and lean forward. Elbows are bent at 90 degrees. Shoulders are pulled back. Now slowly extend your forearms as if pushing off with ski poles. Before returning to the starting position, make a second delay in the peak phase.

French press lying on the bench 

Lie down on the bench and grab 2 dumbbells with a neutral grip. The body lies motionless. The feet stand firmly. Raise the kettlebells in front of you, lock and smoothly lower the dumbbell back. After feeling the stretching of the triceps, lower the dumbbell a little more and, with effort (but without sharp jerks), return to the initial phase.

Close-grip dumbbell chest press

Lay on your back. Knees are bent, and feet are flat. Hold the dumbbells in each hand with your palms facing each other. Arms are on the ground, elbows touch the ground, and bend so that your forearms with the dumbbells are in the air. Raise the dumbbells toward the ceiling, straightening your elbows completely. Keep your palms facing each other. Pause for 1 second. Then slowly bend your elbows and lower them back down.

How many workouts you need to build triceps?

Work out triceps no more than twice a week. Factor in that this muscle group is also set to work within exercises for the chest and shoulders, so be careful not to overload them. There'll be no progress without time for muscle recovery. Once a month, train the triceps and biceps together. If you are a beginner, practicing two to four exercises of 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions twice a week will be optimal. Remember also that proper technique is the key to the success and prevention of injuries.s.

Summing up

The triceps is one of the "naughtiest" zones. It is challenging to bulk up and "dry" it. It's important to work out your triceps if you want your arms to look taut. Workouts with simple dumbbells are effective at home as at the gym. The secret is to exercise regularly and strictly stick to the exercise technique described above!

Unimeal does not diagnose or suggest treatments. Any description of the diet, training plan or supplement should be discussed with your current physician or nutritionist. This article does not address specific conditions and is simply meant to provide general information on healthcare topics. Following any advice is at your own initiative and does not impose any responsibility on the blog authors for your health and safety.



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Susan Adcox. (2022, July 8). How to Work Out Your Triceps With Dumbbells. WebMD. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/how-to-work-out-your-triceps-with-dumbbells#091e9c5e8242c210-2-4


North Tampa. (2013, March 24). How the Biceps and Triceps Work Together. Spine & Joint Center. Retrieved from https://northtampachiropractor.com/2013/03/biceps-triceps-work/