CookingRecipesKyiv chicken

Kyiv chicken

🍳 60 min

🔥 1086 cal

✍️ by Taisiia Dobrozorova


0 votes

Kyiv chicken

62 g


81 g


58 g



The Italians call her "gourmet meat," the French "air chickens," and the Germans call her "meat princess." The culinary symbol of the Ukrainian capital, the famous national "brand" - Kyiv chicken, has long won the best European restaurants.

And not for nothing because this fragrant dish is prepared not from ordinary minced meat but tender low-calorie chicken breast stuffed with butter and fresh parsley. And it is then breaded in fragrant wheat breadcrumbs and deep-fried. It is impossible not to taste!

Kyiv-style cutlets are traditionally served on a small chicken bone with a curling iron so as not to burn your hands. They taste best with mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, and light vegetable salads.

Kyiv chicken Recipe

Essential ingredients

  • Chicken breast

    100 g

  • Breadcrumbs

    45 g (3 tsp)

  • Parmesan (grated)

    30 g (1 cup)

  • Eggs

    55 g (1 pieces)

  • Flour

    70 g (½ cup)

  • Paprika

    2 g (½ tsp)

  • Sunflower oil

    15 g (1 tsp)

  • Garlic

    3 g (1 tsp)

  • Parsley

    6 g (2 cup)

  • Butter 82.5%

    30 g (2 tbsp)

  • Lemon juice

    3 g (½ tsp)

Ingredients to taste


How to make

Please follow the next steps:

  1. 1

    Place garlic, chopped parsley, butter, and lemon juice in a bowl and season well. Squash with a fork until well combined.

  2. 2

    Shape into two rolls using cling film. Then wrap tightly and chill or freeze until actually firm. Slice each into eight even pieces when firm.

  3. 3

    Put chicken breast on a cutting board. Make a deep pocket inside the breast using a sharp knife. The best way is to push the point of a knife into the fat end and keep going halfway into the filet. Be mindful not to cut through because the butter will spread out when cooking.

  4. 4

    Push two butter discs inside each chicken breast "pocket," flatten by pressing, and re-seal with your hands. Set aside.

  5. 5

    Combine the parmesan and breadcrumbs on one plate, and place the eggs onto another.

  6. 6

    Mix the flour with paprika seasoning with some salt on a third plate.

  7. 7

    Dip each breast in the flour, egg, and breadcrumbs, so each kiev chicken has a doubled coating. It will make them extra crisp and help keep the butter inside. Chill for at least 60 minutes before cooking.

  8. 8

    Heat the oven to 180C degrees. Pour the oil into a large non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat to heat. Start fry the cutlets for 2-3 minutes each side until golden crust – you may need to do this in sets. Move to a baking tray to bake for 20-25 minutes or until cooked.

Weight Loss Tips

  • Buy a non-stick pan so you can use no-to-less oil for cooking.

  • If you are looking for a low-calorie chicken, then choose a small and young bird that does not yet have a fatty layer.

  • 20 minutes after each meal, have a glass of warm water. This both encourages you to eat less and aids digestion.

  • Cooking Method

    Baking, Frying

  • Recipe category

    Lunch, Chicken

  • Recipe cuisine


  • Tools

    Oven, Knife, Pan, Cutting board

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